Ven. Geshe Dorji
Director, Tibet
House, New Delhi
Cultural Centre of
His Holiness the Dalai Lama
1988, Geshe Dorji Damdul joined the Institute of Buddhist Dialectics,
Dharamsala for formal studies in Buddhist logic, philosophy and epistemology. After
15 years of study in Buddhist philosophy he finished his Geshe Lharampa Degree (Ph.D.)
in 2002 from Drepung Loseling Monastic University. He joined Gyudmed Tantric
College for a year for Tantric studies.
2003, the Office of H.H. the Dalai Lama sent him to Cambridge University,
England for Proficiency English studies. He was a visiting fellow at Girton
College, Cambridge University.
is appointed as the official translator to H.H. the Dalai Lama since 2005. He
has been serving as the interpreter for H.H. the Dalai Lama for so many years
and at the same time involved in doing written translations of many texts from Tibetan into English such as
Arya Nagarjuna's "Mulamadyamikakarika" (Fundamental Wisdom of the
Middle Way), Acharya Shantideva's "Bodhicaryavatara" (Wisdom Chapter.
assigned with the same task of translating for H.H. the Dalai Lama inside and
abroad India, he was appointed as the Director of Tibet House, Cultural Center
of H.H. the Dalai Lama, New Delhi in March 2011.
assigned by the Office of H.H. the Dalai Lama, he visited the US in 2008 to
work with Prof. Paul Ekman on H.H. the Dalai Lama's book "Emotional
Awareness" which is co-authored by Dr. Paul Ekman of the University of
California Medical School.
Holiness the Dalai Lama also assigned him with a text book project. He is one
of the chief editors for the text book on Buddhist Science and Philosophy. This
text book is to be used for Centers and Institutes all over the world to study
more thoroughly on Buddhist philosophy, metaphysics, epistemology, and science.
was also assigned, along with few other scholars to work on H.H. the Dalai
Lama's book "Ethics for the New Millennium - Part II," and the series
of "Art of Happiness" book which were jointly written by H.H. the
Dalai Lama and Prof. Haward Cutlar. Likewise he is actively involved in critical
editing works with other books of H.H. the Dalai Lama like "The Graded
was affiliated with Drepung Loseling Library where he served as the editor of
Dreloma Magazine for eight years from 1994-2001. Prior to that he was the
editor and contributor for 5 years for "Lhaksam Tsekpa" - a journal
of comparative studies, the theme of which is on Science and Western philosophy,
published by the Institute of Buddhist Studies.
wrote number of important papers for National and International Conferences
held in Delhi University, Somaya University in Mumbai, Ramakrishna Mission
Institute and so forth. The papers constitute interesting topics such as "The Paradox of Brain and Mind" and "The Ultimate Reality According to
Arya Nagarjuna."
is in the process of writing two important books, one on "Journey into the
Paradox of Brain and Mind" and the other "What Constitutes the
Ultimate Reality: The Effects of Understanding the Ultimate Reality."
2004 - 05, for two years, he was assigned as the Philosophy Lecturer for the
Emory University Study Abroad Program which is being held in Dharamsala, India
since 2001.
2008, he was appointed as a visiting fellow in Delhi University to give
lectures in three of the University's departments - Philosophy, Psychology, and
Buddhist Studies. The students received his lectures with such enthusiasm and rigor.
2011, he was recruited as one of the chief experts to design the syllabuses for
B.A. and M.A. course on the Tibetan Studies as a part of Indira Gandhi National
Open University (IGNOU) program.
assigned with the responsibility of the Directorship of Tibet House, the
Cultural Centre of H.H. the Dalai Lama, which is based in New Delhi, India, he also
gives regular lectures in Tibet House and many other places like Universities
and Institutes. He also travels widely within India and abroad, like Mumbai,
USA, U.K., and Singapore to teach Buddhist philosophy, psychology, logic and
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